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标题: 2014 CABS Chinese New Year Party [打印本页]

作者: 诗心理用    时间: 2014-2-6 08:49
标题: 2014 CABS Chinese New Year Party
Date: 2014-02-09 Time: 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Location: William E. Walker Recreation Center, 650 Shell Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404



精彩的文艺演出: 京剧连唱,古筝表演,单口相声,民族舞蹈青花瓷,硅谷男高音Shine Zhao将为您高歌,CABS主席携各部委员将为您献上新春祝福!

观众互动, 猜谜游戏,幸运抽奖,Nexus 7, $50 礼品卡,意想不到的礼物等您来。

Happy Chinese New Year!!! Please join us to kick off the Year of the Horse with the exciting New Year festivities!

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Authentic Chinese Lunch
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM: CABS Chinese New Year Gala
Beijing opera
Live musical entertainment
CABS special program

Games and lucky draws for everybody! Top prize is Nexus 7(2013)!! Come to reconnect with old friends, and make new ones! Let's celebrate Chinese New Year 2014 together!

Please mark your calendar. We look forward to seeing you!

网上报名已开始 www.cabsweb.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001f5WtVUL7pS9IUQtrRyCVAH7rRyuNmlk3cQO9c59rV_Y3_6Cbjl6SBGhgB_iHo4Hw1Ji2ruhSa_vZ3nEokmF4KX3P6RJAP1ZjxbCHDldu1Suzj13bSQRU-aKp9v90B1pD-X8APB9SJiIInQzTegtsBXPBOuwrVhE5vU2j979PwNYh7fPp6aT1z7z7zmPJaPCEl-5EJEOlc7g=&c=0mLIYCEV8yLdQFEMAKtNRHlecx5BxML_tD6Mv2359MKUANDAEHU3Kg==&ch=7uvUxIpplB70MVDZc--baKyvXFKR3Z8tGHDPpGHGTB-XjqWS8eHFlA==> (under 2014 CABS Chinese New Year Party)

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