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  版主: chunhua    
UCSF Mid-Autumn BBQ party-tomorrow

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   UCSF Mid-Autumn BBQ party-tomorrow
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  game  2007-09-14 09:24
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Dear All,

After at least two weeks preparation, UCSF BBQ mid-Autumn party
is almost ready to start tomorrow for all attendants. An estimated 200
people from UCSF, USF, some biotech companies, CABS society will
get together, chat with friends, share thoughts and have fun. For this event,
We are very grateful for financial support from Consulate General of China,
Elim (sponsoring the jumper), Epitomics (providing some food).

A Million thanks for great support!

Event: UCSF ACSS mid-Autumn BBQ party
Location: Lindley meadow, golden gate park, 94117(see the attachment)
Time: 12pm-5pm, September 15, Saturday.
Registration fee: $3 (free for children under 10)

Bring yourself, your family and your friends to join us!

All the best

Xiaodong Zhu

President of Association of Chinese Students and Scholars (ACSS) at UCSF

   [ dingmd 2007-09-14 10:01 编辑 ]
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  game  2007-09-14 09:24

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