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CBC communication 02/22/08

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   > 加州大学论坛 & ACSS UCSF 公告 / UCBBS.ORG & ACSS UCSF Announcement   CBC communication 02/22/08  
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   CBC communication 02/22/08
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  journalclub  2008-03-03 11:34
Dear CBC members and ACSS members,

The next Chinese Biomedicine Club (CBC) event will be participation of the CABS Expert Forum on China Biotechnology: "Trends in drug discovery/development and outsourcing in China" to be held on March 2 (See attached flyer for details). In this exciting and high profile event, you will have the opportunity to meet with Chinese leaders and professionals in the biopharmaceutical industry. (Some notable participants are: Dr. Steve Yang, President, Head of Research, Asia, Pfizer; Dr. Zhenhai Shen, Senior Manager, Global R&D, Genentech; Dr. Guoliang Yu, CEO, Epitomics.) In addition, the forum will render you solid understanding of the status quo and trends of biotechnology industry in China.

The event is free for CBC members, but friends not affiliated to either CABS or CBC will be charged $20 for participation of the Forum. In addition, CBC would be happy to provide complimentary lunch to its members who respond to this email by Feb. 29.

We look forward to meeting you at this exciting event.

Best Regards,
Duan, Xiaodong, and Zhiyong
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  journalclub  2008-03-03 11:34
  2008-03-03 11:34        Edit 编辑文章 Quote 引用回复 View ID 查看作者资料 Send Private Message 给作者发悄悄话 Author's all Posts 查看作者的所有帖子 Delete 版主操作 删除文章
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