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  版主: chunhua    
【】2008硅谷精英论坛-Aug 22, 2008 (Friday) 7:00~9:30pm

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   > 加州大学论坛 & ACSS UCSF 公告 / UCBBS.ORG & ACSS UCSF Announcement   【】2008硅谷精英论坛-Aug 22, 2008 (Friday) 7:00~9:30pm  
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   【】2008硅谷精英论坛-Aug 22, 2008 (Friday) 7:00~9:30pm
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  game  2008-08-20 12:44

Aug 22, 2008 (Friday) 7:00~9:30pm

当全球化、亚洲热的声浪席捲全世界,站在世界科技顶峰的硅谷华裔科技人, 如何结合既有的资源与优势,立足硅谷 、展望亚洲、 放眼全球 ,再创新时代的高峰 !

纵横硅谷掌握全球优势的两岸顶尖科技协会玉山(Monte Jade)与华源(HYSTA)的傑出領导者, 将与大家分享他们成功背後, 独到的思考与见解…


陆 奇 Qi Lu
Yahoo! Inc.

王大成 Chester Wang
of Acorn Campus

罗升俊 Paul Lo
玉山科技协会理 事长
Analog Mixed Signal Group 总经理


贾石琏 Jack Jia
Founder & CEO of Baynote, Inc.

胡耀文 Yaw- Wen Hu
SST 执行副总裁及营运长

Time: Aug 22, 2008 (Friday)7:30~9:30pm
(7:00~7:30 pm Registration & Networking )
Location: Cupertino Quilan Community Center
10185 N. Stelling Rd., Cupertino, CA 9014
RSVP: techeliteglobal@yahoo.com Contact: Charlie Chao: (408) 857-7751


5:00 ~ 7:00pm 湾区亲子嘉年华
More than 50 dishes from 50 Bay Area famous restaurants
+ Kids' shows + Family book displayed by World Journal
7:00~ 7:30pm 迎宾序曲
by中港台音乐比赛冠军歌手Jessica Shum & Guanjun Zhang
7:30 ~ 9:30pm 硅谷精英论坛
7:30 ~ 8:50 pm Speeches by
HYSTA Qi Lu / Jack Jia & MONTE JADE Paul Lo / Yaw Wen Hu
8:50 ~ 9:30 pm Moderated
Q & A by Chester Wang, Tsing Hua Alumni & Advisor


陆 奇 Qi Lu

Executive Vice President, Yahoo Search and Advertising Technology Group

President, HYSTA Hua Yuan Science and Technology Association

Dr. Qi Lu is executive vice president of engineering for Search and Advertising Technology Group at Yahoo! where he leads development efforts around Yahoo!'s Web search and monetization platforms. Prior to joining Yahoo! in 1998, Dr. Lu was a Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden Research Center. Before that, Dr. Lu worked at Carnegie Mellon University as a Research Associate, and at Fudan University in China as a faculty member. He holds 20 U.S patents, and received his B.S. and M.S. in computer science from University and his Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University.


贾石琏 Jack Jia

Chairman & CEO, Baynote

Former president, HYSTA Hua Yuan Science and Technology Association

Mr. Jia is a founder and CEO of Baynote, Inc. For eight years, he was SVP & CTO of Interwoven Inc. with executive responsibilities in engineering, products, marketing, strategy and vision. Prior to Interwoven, he was a founder and CEO of V-max America. Mr. Jia led operating systems and applications development at SGI, Sun Microsystems, Stratus and NASA for over a decade. He is a frequent speaker at major conferences and has appeared on television programs in several countries. He is a contributing author in "XML Handbook, the 4th Edition", "Online! The Book", "Content Management Bible", and writes regularly about key technology issues and trends. He is a board advisor for Santa Clara University, and the president of HYSTA, a premier non-profit organization for promoting entrepreneurship.


罗升俊 Paul Lo

SVP and GM, Analog Mixed Signal Group, Synopsys

Chairman, Monte Jade Science and Technology Association

Dr. Paul Lo has served as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Analog/Mixed Signal Group since September 2006. He was previously Vice President of Engineering, Implementation Group from November 2002 to September 2006, and Senior Vice President of International Strategy from June 2002 to November 2002. In June 2002, Dr. Lo joined Synopsys with the acquisition of Avant! Corporation, where he had served as President from July 2001 to June 2002, and had held a variety of positions including Chief Operating Officer, Head of Engineering, Head of Asia Engineering and key Architect in product development. Dr. Lo has also held positions at Cadence Design Systems, Quickturn Design Systems, and Hughes Aircraft Microelectronics Center. Dr. Lo holds a B.S.E.E. from the National Taiwan University and an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California.


胡耀文 Yaw Wen Hu

Executive Vice President and Chief Operation Officer

Vice Chairman, Monte Jade Science and Technology Association

Yaw Wen Hu, Ph.D., joined us in July 1993 as Vice President, Technology Development. In August 1999, he became Vice President, Operations and Process Development. In January 2000, he was promoted to Senior Vice President, Operations and Process Development. In April 2004, he was promoted to Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Dr. Hu has been a member of our Board of Directors since September 1995. From 1990 to 1993, Dr. Hu served as deputy general manager of technology development of Vitelic Taiwan Corporation. From 1988 to 1990, he served as FAB engineering manager of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. From 1985 to 1988, he was the director of technology development at Vitelic Corporation. From 1978 to 1985, he worked as a senior staff engineer in Intel Corporation's Technology Development Group. Dr. Hu holds a B.S. in Physics from National Taiwan University and a M.S. in Computer Engineering and a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Stanford University.


王大成 Chester Wang

Co-Funder of Acorn Campus Ventures

Tsinghua Alumni Association Advisor

T. Chester Wang is the general partner and co-founder of Acorn Campus Ventures, and a founding member of Acorn Angels. Dr. Wang graduated from Tsinghua University in Taiwan and later got his Ph.D. in physics from University of Oregon. He had been a college professor taught computer science, co-founded Pacific Rim Electronics, a wholesaler and distributor of semiconductor chips, also a co-founder of CMC, a software company for computer numerical machines. He and his brother, Stanley T. Wang another Tsinghua graduate, have been instrumental in developing numerous residential, commercial and industrial properties in Silicon Valley. He had co-chaired the New Realty Task Force with then Mayor Susan Hammer of San Jose, a city with over $1 billion annual budget and 6,000 employees, to re-engineering City's budgeting and operation. He currently serves on the board of Altigen Communications, Crown Bioscience,Btrend, ChinaBio, and Chinese Bible Society.

身为硅谷精英的您 不可错过的精采峰会!
RSVP: techeliteglobal@yahoo.com
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  game  2008-08-20 12:44
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