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   > 加州大学论坛 & ACSS UCSF 公告 / UCBBS.ORG & ACSS UCSF Announcement   【ACSS-UCSF】英语角第四季度注册和另外一个英语学习活动注册  
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   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  doctliu  2010-04-13 21:03
Hi All,

Short introduction of this long email:

1, 6 new quota of participants will be opening for 4th season English Corner.
2, a new English program will be opening on Wednesday 8PM-9:30PM just after the English Corner.

You can register any/both program with this link:

As a successful trial in June 2009, and Aug 2009-Dec, 2009,Jan-27, 2010 to Mar-17, 2010 ACSS-UCSF English Pronunciation Corner Program will formally carry on from last Wednesday, Apr-07th 2010 to May 26th,2010, 8 classes for this forth season.

We have given the priority for 14 former members; we provide 6 new quota of participants this time.

And there is a new extra “the junior youth empowerment” program from Badi Foundation in this season, which is 8PM-9:30PM just after the English Corner. Four English teachers will help you reading, writing and discussing some training materials of the Foundation. Maybe there are some spirit materials to be used, if you don’t like them, you don’t need to force yourself to join this program.

If you want to join this extra class, you can register it at item 6” Do you want to take the extra exercise class after 8pm?”.

Purpose: ACSS-UCSF English Pronunciation Corner is to help participants improve spoken English and pronunciation.

Facilitators:Deborah Karres, Kathy Babcock, Patty Evans, Vahid Motazedian, Justin Portillo, and Shirin Mullen
Email: Englishcorner@sfbahai.org

1, Class Size: Limited to 20 full-time participants
2, Participants must be ACSS Pro members or in UCSF Email list. ACSS Pro member has priority to attend, please input "ACSS Pro" in the "Suggestion & Question" section when you register.
3, First 20 registrants can join this program directly. Other registrants are in the waiting list with register order. We will email the waiting registrants with the register order when some participants can not join the class or lose the license.
4, Participants are required to attend all the class, if missing twice successively, will be removed to the end of the waiting list.
5, $10 will be charged to every participant per season, which is for snacks, waters and gifts to facilitators. Participants, who lost his license and joined the class from waiting list again, won’t be charged twice.
6, In order to communicate conveniently, you must agree to leave your email address and cell phone number, if you don't agree, please don't register. As soon as you registered, it means you have agreed.

When:Every Wednesday 6:00PM-8:00PM
Apr-07th 2010 to May 26th,2010 (8 weeks).
Where: S-157, 513 Parnassus Ave, UCSF Campus
Map: http://ucsf-parnassus.ucbbs.org

Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at University of California San Francisco (ACSS UCSF)
UCSF中国学生学者联合会(ACSS UCSF)

   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  doctliu  2010-04-13 21:03
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