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  版主: yidong  beauty    
How to downgrade your paypal to personal account

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   > 省钱/投资/理财/购物/时尚/ Finance/Coupon/Discount/Shopping/Fashion   How to downgrade your paypal to personal account  
 作者  正文: How to downgrade your paypal to personal account 回复:1   点数:4734   1 楼  

积 分:783
总数第:187 贴
来 自:USA-旧金山


   How to downgrade your paypal to personal account
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  dingmd  2007-10-08 11:56
So you have already upgrade your personal paypal account to business/premier account and now you want to change/revert/downgrade it back to personal account? Here’s what you’ve gotta do to downgrade it:
Firstly, login to paypal with your account, then go to “Contact Us” link on the bottom. Under “Help by email” click link “Contact Customer Service”. You will be forwarded to a new page. Choose a topic “My account”, followed by “changing\updating account information”, Then just put “Seeking for assistance” under question form, and “Hi, can you assist me to downgrade my account to Personal account? Thank” under Additional Information form. Click “continue” and in the next 24-48 hours you will get an email from paypal notifying that your account has already been downgraded to personal account.

   [ dingmd 2007-10-08 12:01 编辑 ]
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  dingmd  2007-10-08 11:56

  2007-10-08 11:56        Edit 编辑文章 Quote 引用回复 View ID 查看作者资料 Send Private Message 给作者发悄悄话 Author's all Posts 查看作者的所有帖子 Delete 版主操作 删除文章

 作者  回复: Paypal isvery ...  2 楼  

积 分:784
总数第:188 贴
来 自:USA-旧金山


   Paypal isvery ...
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  dingmd  2007-10-08 11:59
Paypal is very sneaky and fishy, they also try to let you upgrade to the premier account, and it's very hard and there is no simple way to get back, so they can get more service fee from you!

   [ dingmd 2007-10-08 12:26 编辑 ]
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  dingmd  2007-10-08 11:59

  2007-10-08 11:59        Edit 编辑文章 Quote 引用回复 View ID 查看作者资料 Send Private Message 给作者发悄悄话 Author's all Posts 查看作者的所有帖子 Delete 版主操作 删除文章
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