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   > 观点/杂谈/休闲/娱乐Opinions Entertainment   地震来时,你应该躲在哪里?--[讨论]  
 作者  正文: 地震来时,你应该躲在哪里?--[讨论] 回复:3   点数:11249   1 楼  

积 分:1710
总数第:521 贴
来 自:San


   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  chunhua  2008-05-18 23:27
也许你已读过,再提醒你一次:地震来时,你 躲在哪里?如果你依照小时候老师教我 们的方法乖乖躲在桌子底下,床铺底下,那么,我必须告诉你,你的伤亡率,高达百 分之九十八!!那该怎么办?美国国际搜救队长教你正确的躲避位置。正确的地震保命法 -- 转载道格卡普是美国国际搜救队长,自一九八五年至今,他及他的队员己参与 全世界七十九次重大灾难的救灾工作,他曾经爬进近七百栋因为地震、爆炸而严重倒 塌的建筑物 内搜查受困的生还者以及罹难者的遗体。除了参与两年前日本神户大地震及美国俄克拉荷马市联邦大楼爆炸案救授工作,十二年来国际新闻中的重大灾难救 灾,他都没缺席。他以先前和土耳其政府、大学合作拍制的地震逃生 录像带,说明不要躲在桌下避震的 道理。透过土耳其政府协助,制作单位爆破一栋废弃大楼,模拟地震时建筑物倒塌的 情形,工作人员先依据「常识」,在桌子床铺等家具旁,同样放置十具模特儿,炸药引爆后大楼变成断坦残壁,他和搜救队员依予找到二十具模特儿,在桌床下的十具模 特儿,有八具被压成全毁,其中一具甚至头、身、 脚断成三截;他放置的十具模特 儿,则全部安好无事,他解释,建筑物天花板因强震倒塌时,会将桌床等家具压毁, 人如果 躲在其中,后果不堪设想,如果人[color=#0000FF]以低姿势躲在家具旁,家具可以受倒塌物品 的力道,让一旁的人取得生存空间。[/color]道格 说,即使[color=#0000FF]开车时遇到地震,也要赶快离开车 子,[/color]很多地震时在停车场丧命的人,都 是在车 内被活活压死,在两车之间的人,却 毫发未伤 ( 此段话引图片 说明 ) :强烈地震发生时,如果你正在停车场,千万不要留在 车 内,以免 垮下来的天花板压扁汽车,造成伤害;[color=#0000FF]应该以卧姿躲在车旁,掉落的天花 压在车上,不致直接撞击人身,可能形成一块『生存空间』,增加存活机会 … 。[/color]他很慎 重地对在场的一百多位我国搜救队员 说,搜救队员必要在地震中先能自己求得生存, 只有活下来,才能拯救他人性命。他 说,希望大家告诉大家,只要传播这么一点求生讯息,地震发生时,建筑物 内的伤亡率,可以由百分之九十,遽降为百分之二。请大 家传 阅,增加大家在灾难发生时的生存机率,减少伤害你关心你的朋友吗?如果答案 是肯定的。

   [ chunhua 2008-05-19 18:27 编辑 ]
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  chunhua  2008-05-18 23:27
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  2008-05-18 23:27        Edit 编辑文章 Quote 引用回复 View ID 查看作者资料 Send Private Message 给作者发悄悄话 Author's all Posts 查看作者的所有帖子 Delete 版主操作 删除文章

 作者  回复: I am confused ...  2 楼  

积 分:1741
总数第:533 贴
来 自:San


   I am confused ...
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  chunhua  2008-05-19 18:24
I am confused when zhu zhao email me the following:




的英文名字和官方主页,倒是找到 FEMA(美国联邦紧急措施署)上的官方宣传
材料:《Drop, Cover, and Hold Poster》,于 2005 年 9 月出版。这么重要

  继续开始搜索,找到 FEMA 关于城市搜救 (US&R) 的主页,没能看到这个
(Urban Search & Rescue Field Operations Guide)是相当的专业。

  几经周折,总算定位到这个道格卡普的英文名是 Doug Copp 或者 Douglas
Copp,这个美国国际搜救队的英文名是 American Rescue Team International

床等)然后原地等待 (”Drop, Cover, and Hold”) 的原则,至少在美国是非


  - Doug Copp: Disaster Expert or Massive Fraud? @ Wednesday,
September 15, 2004
  - ‘Knucklehead’ or Hero? @ Wednesday, July 14, 2004

   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  chunhua  2008-05-19 18:24
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  2008-05-19 18:24        Edit 编辑文章 Quote 引用回复 View ID 查看作者资料 Send Private Message 给作者发悄悄话 Author's all Posts 查看作者的所有帖子 Delete 版主操作 删除文章

 作者  回复: http://lizditz...  3 楼  

积 分:1744
总数第:534 贴
来 自:San


   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  chunhua  2008-05-19 18:29
Doug Copp: Disaster Expert or Massive Fraud?
(Index: *Doug Copp: Disaster Hero or Massive Fraud? (links to the Albuquerque Journal's four-part piece criticizing Mr. Copp's actions and rebuttals of Copp's claims from the Red Cross.)
*Doug Copp II. Includes in the comments a huge, long, repetitive, blustering missive from Mr. Copp himself. In the interests of fairness, I left it up.
* Doug Copp III, a rebuttal of Doug Copp's advice from expert sources.
*Doug Copp IV, more venom from Mr. Copp and more rebuttals from those more qualified. )

[Update October 15, 2004. More, including good comments, at Doug Copp II (on this blog). Going elsewhere, Nuketown

When did anything any big organization says become suspect? Now it is the standard earthquake advicefrom the American Red Cross, DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON.

In a number of circles, an e-mail about "Triangle of Life" is going around. It often starts like this:

My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the world's most experienced rescue team. The information in this article will save lives in an earthquake.

The problems are, Copp's claims to experience are almost certainly fraudulent, there's no "ARTI" except in his own mind, and his advice is bad, if not dangerous.

Copp's site forgets to mention his coverage in the New Mexico papers....that convincingly lay out the evidence that Copp is now a fraud and has always been a fraud. It is an interesting story, kind of like a Munchausen syndrome.

Mr. Copp's assertions in his message that everyone is always crushed if they get under something is incorrect.

there is substantial evidence that Copp's claims of heroism and life-threatening injuries regarding 9/11 are not true. An Albuquerque Journal investigation also found a nearly 20-year history of exaggeration, self-promotion, freeloading and very little evidence of real rescue work.

New Mexican's Claims of Ground Zero Rescue Work Called Into Question

A 9/11 Phony — a series published starting July 11, 2004
Self-proclaimed rescue guru Doug Copp's mission to ground zero was considered so important that he had clearance to be flown to New York even though all civilian air traffic in the United States had been grounded. Once there, he says he assumed a pivotal role and sustained devastating injuries while wading through the "toxic soup" in search of survivors and victims, and was awarded nearly $650,000 for his injuries. But there is little evidence Copp performed real rescue work, and it is doubtful that he deserves compensation.

Claims of Heroism Called Into Question;
Appeals to 9/11 Fund Had Lawmakers' Help;
Justice Dept. Inquiry Requested by Udall

Doug Copp 'Bombero' Arrives at Ground Zero;
AG: Doug Copp's Fund Raising Violated N.M. Law
Ab. Journal Jet Trips To Disaster Status Quo

Striking Out at Ground Zero
Doctors Differ on Copp's Actual Ailments
Copp Apparently Missed 9/11 Fund Deadline--Did not Seek TImely Medical Care

Copp Says He's A Hero; Experienced Credentialed Disaster Responders Just Laugh'
Copp Says Proof Is in the Footage

A Widow Defrauded by Copp and his "deathometer" Ordeal(Sunday, July 18, 2004) more
U.S. Dept. of Justice Fraud Unit Investigating Copp's 9/11 Injury Claim

Now read the response by a guy who actually knows what he is talking about.

Earthquake Safety in the U.S.
Recently it has been brought to my attention that an email from Doug Copp, titled "Triangle of Life," is making its rounds again on the Internet. This message, below, originally distributed on July 14, 2000, remains the same. Its content was reviewed by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for concurrence. "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" is CORRECT, accurate, and APPROPRIATE for use in the United States for Earthquake safety. Mr. Copp's assertions in his message that everyone is always crushed if they get under something is incorrect.

Recently, the American Red Cross became aware of a challenge to the earthquake safety advice "Drop, Cover, and Hold On." This is according to information from Mr. Doug Copp, the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of American Rescue Team International (a private company not affiliated with the U.S. Government or other agency.)

He says that going underneath objects during an earthquake [as in children being told to get under their desks at school] is very dangerous, and fatal should the building collapse in a strong earthquake. He also states that "everyone who gets under a doorway when a building collapses is killed." He further states that "if you are in bed when an earthquake happens, to roll out of bed next to it," and he also says that "If an earthquake happens while you are watching television and you cannot easily escape by getting out the door or window, then lie down and curl up in the fetal position next to a sofa, or large chair."

These recommendations are inaccurate for application in the United States and inconsistent with information developed through earthquake research.

Mr. Copp based his statements on observations of damage to buildings after an earthquake in Turkey. It is like "apples and oranges" to compare building construction standards, techniques, engineering principles, and construction materials between Turkey and the United States.

We at the American Red Cross have studied the research on the topic of earthquake safety for many years. We have benefited from extensive research done by the California Office of Emergency Services, California Seismic Safety Commission, professional and academic research organizations, and emergency management agencies, who have also studied the recommendation to "drop, cover, and hold on!" during the shaking of an earthquake.

Personally, I have also benefited from those who preceded me in doing earthquake education in California since the Field Act was passed in 1933. What the claims made by Mr. Copp of ARTI, Inc., does not seem to distinguish is that the recommendation to "drop, cover, and hold on!" is a U.S.-based recommendation based on U.S. Building Codes and construction standards. Much research in the United States has confirmed that "Drop, Cover, and Hold On!" has saved lives in the United States.

   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  chunhua  2008-05-19 18:29
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