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来 自:Unknow
摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System) lk0703 2012-09-28 02:22
My major is Epidemiology and Statistics, and I am learning English. I really need your help. Because there are a lot medical words in English in which I do not understand, I am looking for the people whose major is in mediicine, to help me with better understanding English, as well as, the medical terminology involved with medicine. I can be reached at either of the following addresses: *: My * 2392023831 MSN: lk07032008@hotmaill.com Skype: skype lk070311 Thank you in advance, for all of your help, and I hope I can meet, and help wonderful people from around the word. Your friend, Vicky
摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System) lk0703 2012-09-28 02:22