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【UC.Berkeley】BCSSA Moon Festival Carnival this coming Saturday-Sep20th

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  UC.Berkeley > 伯克利加州大学论坛 公告   【UC.Berkeley】BCSSA Moon Festival Carnival this coming Saturday-Sep20th  
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   【UC.Berkeley】BCSSA Moon Festival Carnival this coming Saturday-Sep20th
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  chunhua  2008-09-16 13:33
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If you are interested in various traditional Chinese games, arts and performances, here is an event you definitely do not want to miss! Berkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association (BCSSA) is going to organize the Moon Festival Carnival to celebrate the Chinese Moon (also called Mid-Autumn) Festival.

Who: Everyone interested in all aspects of Chinese culture!
When: 7:30PM - 10:30PM, Sep 20 (Saturday)
Where: Chevron Auditorium, International House, UC Berkeley
How: $3 for BCSSA members (ID required), and $5 for non-members

In this grand event, multiple booths will be set inside the auditorium, each of which will present one of the following games or art performances:
Bian Lian/Mask Changer, Chinese Calligraphy, Lantern Puzzle, Paper Cutting, Tai Chi Chuan, Beijing Opera, Chinese Hacky Sack, Chinese Yo-yo , Chinese Chess, Gobang, Mahjong, Chinese Ferrule, Er Hu, Cucurbit Flute, and more...

We will also be hosting a FOOD COURT to provide various delicious Chinese snacks and desserts. You will be able to participate in most of the programs and play games. Mark your calendar, and enjoy your time there. You will learn a lot more there than from your history textbooks!

   [ chunhua 2008-09-16 15:52 编辑 ]
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  chunhua  2008-09-16 13:33
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