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【GGU】[公告]论坛基本发言守则,发言前必读。Post General Rules, please read it before any posting.

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  GGU > 金门大学论坛 公告|GGU Announcements   【GGU】[公告]论坛基本发言守则,发言前必读。Post General Rules, please read it before any posting.  
 作者  正文: 【GGU】[公告]论坛基本发言守则,发言前必读。Post General Rules, please read it before any posting. 回复:0   点数:1667   1 楼  

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   【GGU】[公告]论坛基本发言守则,发言前必读。Post General Rules, please read it before any posting.
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  ggu  2008-07-05 21:06

1.严禁在各版群发广告, 违者将严肃处理和追究!
6.加州大学论坛 ucbbs.org中文论坛各栏目的版主有权保留或删除其管辖论坛中的任意内容
7.您在加州大学论坛 ucbbs.org发表的作品,加州大学论坛 ucbbs.org有权在网站内免费转载或引用



[b]发言内容提示: [/b]

GGU 各个专业版块是用来发布活动,工作信息和课程讨论的, 不是用来灌水的! 灌水的同学会直接影响到其他同学读到重要的信息。如果发现灌水行为,同样我们会给与两次警告, 如果还不罢手,就只能封锁你的ID。

[b]Post General Rules[/b]:

1.No commercials in any discussion board, If you don't comply with these rules you'll have to face a set of sanctions.
2.Follow internet courtesy, obey People's Republic of China's law and rules.
3.No Personal attacks.
4.No Use of explicit, obscene or vulgar language or images and/or messages, including racist remarks.
5.Responsible for all act that (direct/ indirectly) lead to civil and legal responsibility.
6.ucbbs.org Chinese forum discussion board managers has the rights to retain/ delete any content in their corresponding discussion board.
7.ucbbs.org retain the rights to use or quote any content published within the forum.

Please pay attention: If re-posting other person's message, you need to state and indicate [b]"re-post"[/b] infront of your message's title.

If we notice any violations, we will send out 2 warnings. If the action still persist after the 2 warnings, we will block your user ID without further notice.

Please be considerate, Thank you for you cooperation!

GGU's discussion boards are for publishing events, job information and course discussion. We do not allow spamming. Spamming will affect other colleagues from retrieving important information/ message. If we notice any spamming, we will send out 2 warnings. If the action still persist after the 2 warnings, we will block your user ID.

   [ ggu 2008-07-05 21:10 编辑 ]
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  ggu  2008-07-05 21:06

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