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【GGU】[转帖] 50 useful website for CPAs

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  GGU > 金门大学会计专栏 GGU Accounting   【GGU】[转帖] 50 useful website for CPAs  
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   【GGU】[转帖] 50 useful website for CPAs
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  jumy  2008-07-22 12:24
Fab 50: Hot Internet Resources for CPAs
California CPA magazine: October 2007

Targeted & At Your Fingertips

Accounting & Auditing
www.fasb.org FASB’s site offers authoritative statements, publications and exposure drafts.
www.pcaob.org The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s website features information on rules and enforcement, as well as inspection reports and whistle-blower contact information.
www.aicpa.org The AICPA offers scores of CPA-specific resources, including exposure drafts, audit quality centers, antifraud and audit committee resources, and the PCPS Firm Practice Center. Also valuable is www.cpa2biz.com.
www.gasb.org GASB’s site offers exposure drafts, statements and interpretations regarding the latest governmental accounting standards.
www.audit-net.com AuditNet provides resources for auditors, managers and administrative personnel looking to update their company’s documenta-tion for compliance with standard business practices.
Business Valuation
www.bvmarketdata.com Business Valuation Resources offers financial and transactional data relating to the sales of public and privately held companies, control premiums, minority discounts and marketability discounts. You can pay per inquiry or buy an annual subscription.
www.firstresearch.com First Research provides (for a fee) industry analysis and market research, featuring quarterly updates, state profiles, e-mail alerts and a database of more than 140 industry profiles.

Career Resources

www.calcpa.org/classifieds CalCPA.org’s classifieds is California’s one-stop shop for employers and CPA professionals who want to connect.
www.accountantsinc.com/resources/compensationbenefits.asp The Accountants Inc. Compensation, Benefits and Workplace Trends Guide offers California-specific information so you can determine your local salary potential.
www.roberthalffinance/FreeResources Besides an annual salary guide, Robert Half offers a variety of free publications that assess workplace trends based on CFO feedback.
Continuing Education

www.educationfoundation.org The California CPA Education Foundation offers a multitude of courses and conferences, including online, on-site and resort CPE.
www.calcpa.org/rsvp CalCPA.org’s master calendar allows you to search events by chapter or topic—and register online.
www.calcpa.org/podcast Schedules can get hectic and we know you may not be able to attend or call in to all events that interest you. That's why CalCPA offers podcasts of select events and interviews. Download podcasts and listen to them with Windows Media Player or download them to your MP3 player or a CD for later listening.
CPA Portals

www.accountingweb.com AccountingWEB provides news and information about the CPA profession, as well as career, practice, CPE and other resources.
www.smartpros.com SmartPros has something for everyone—accounting and auditing, personal financial planning, HR, tax, technology and more. News from around the globe is presented daily.
www.webcpa.com WebCPA offers daily news and online editions of Accounting Today, Accounting Technology and Practical Accountant, plus industry rankings and columns.

www.calcpa.org/eldercare CalCPA’s Personal Financial Planning Committee offers a statewide list of localized eldercare resources. From homecare providers in Sacramento to the Social Security Administration office in San Diego, this is your place!
www.aging.ca.gov The California Department of Aging offers updates on California’s laws, regulations and legislative bills affecting the elderly, as well as information on legal aid services.
Financial Planning

www.financial-planning.com Financial Planning Interactive offers industry news, practice management tips, surveys, forums and educational opportunities.
www.calcpa.org/estate CalCPA’s Estate Planning Committee offers an estate planning discussion board, an open forum for asking and answering estate planning questions, as well as related articles and news.
http://finance.yahoo.com Yahoo Finance offers customizable features to keep track of business and finance, and is a great resource for market news and finance-related information.
www.cfodirect.com PricewaterhouseCoopers maintains CFO Direct Network, a hub of news and analysis aimed at the CFO, featuring technical alerts, SOX resources, industry-specific resources and more.

www.sbaonline.sba.gov/starting_business The Small Business Administration offers help on developing a business plan, getting a business license and establishing patents and trademarks.
www.calchamber.com The California Chamber of Commerce is loaded with resources for California businesses. Don’t forget to sign up for “Labor Law Extra,” an e-mail update on human resource issues.
www.coso.org The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission’s site features its popular internal control framework, as well as its emerging enterprise risk management framework.
www.cfo.com CFO’s online magazine for financial executives offers daily news and feature articles, as well as coverage from CFO Europe, CFO Asia and the technology-specific CFO IT.

www.ifac.org The International Federation of Accountants’ website features news and information on international accounting standards, guidance and resources for CPAs in the global marketplace.
www.iasb.org Charged with developing a single set of global accounting standards, the International Accounting Standards Board website features project summaries, standards and exposure drafts.

www.findlaw.com FindLaw is overflowing with free legal resources and searchable databases of federal and state cases and codes that can be browsed by jurisdiction and practice area.
www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html The state’s California Law page is a clearinghouse of California law codes, with searchable databases of the 29 codes that make up California law, as well as the state constitution and statutes.
Practice Management

www.calcpa.org/MAP CalCPA’s Management of an Accounting Practice Committee has sample letters and memos, as well as a comprehensive disaster recovery planning guide.
www.camico.com CAMICO provides professional liability insurance to CPAs. Policyholders get access to risk management tools, a loss prevention hotline and even tax advice.
www.cpaprotectplus.com The Group Insurance Trust of CalCPA offers quality, cost-effective insurance to the owners and employees of CalCPA member firms. The site features quotes, enrollment forms and plan information.
www.calcpa.org/Content/licensure.aspx CalCPA provides this handy one-stop site that answers your questions when it comes to licensure and mobility. After if you still have questions after reviewing the information, you can submit it to us.
www.shrm.org The Society of Human Resource Management has information on workforce studies, regulations, management ideas, conferences and seminars, as well as HR tools and sample forms.

www.dol.gov The U.S. Department of Labor site offers compliance assistance and resources on workers’ compensation, workplace health and safety, retirement, health benefits, disability, training and many more employment-related issues.
www.sec.gov Visit the SEC website for recent notices, orders, bulletins and other information on accounting and auditing.
www.dca.ca.gov/cba The California Board of Accountancy’s site offers the latest in licensing requirements, including changes to CE requirements, regulatory updates, renewal information and more.

www.irs.gov The dynamic IRS website is not just for downloading tax forms; among its features is breaking news and information for tax professionals.
www.edd.ca.gov/taxrep/taxprof.htm California’s Employment Development Department’s Tax Practitioners page has information, from the latest EDD news to filing and payment options, plus links to other resources, including the Franchise Tax Board and Board of Equalization.
www.ftb.ca.gov The California Franchise Tax Board’s website provides information on e-filing, downloadable forms, tax amnesty programs and more.
www.caltax.com Spidell Publishing’s site is devoted to California tax and offers breaking news, notice alerts, seminar schedules and product information.
www.taxsites.com This well-organized tax and accounting website gives links to everything imaginable, from academia to software.
www.boe.ca.gov The California State Board of Equalization offers a wealth of information related to property tax, sales and use tax, and special taxes and fees, as well as forms and publications.
Tech Sites

www.calcpa.org/technology CalCPA’s Technology Committee has the goods on just about anything you can do with a computer, including links to a number of sites we couldn’t fit in here.
www.xbrl.org The Extensible Business Reporting Language is a financial reporting language that increases the transparency and ease-of-use of financial data for those internal and external to the reporting process. Keep track of what’s new.
www.cnet.org CNet is a techie’s dream: product reviews and comparisons, technology news and advice.

www.calcpa.org/Content/press.aspx From the New York State Society of CPAs, this Accounting Term­i­nology Guide helps untangle the profession’s most technical words and phrases.
www.google.com Google offers the world through keywords, with features such as a newspaper database, scholarly paper database and Google Finance.

   [ jumy 2008-07-22 12:25 编辑 ]
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  jumy  2008-07-22 12:24
Jumy ;p

  2008-07-22 12:24        Edit 编辑文章 Quote 引用回复 View ID 查看作者资料 Send Private Message 给作者发悄悄话 Author's all Posts 查看作者的所有帖子 Delete 版主操作 删除文章

 作者  回复: I don't think ...  2 楼  

积 分:67
总数第:34 贴
来 自:Unknow


   I don't think ...
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  龙头老大  2008-08-20 11:42
I don't think 50 useful website for CPAs is useful for us.

   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  龙头老大  2008-08-20 11:42
  2008-08-20 11:42        Edit 编辑文章 Quote 引用回复 View ID 查看作者资料 Send Private Message 给作者发悄悄话 Author's all Posts 查看作者的所有帖子 Delete 版主操作 删除文章
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