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  版主: ggu  winnie    
【GGU】Citrix optimize the security of your employees' remote access.

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  GGU > 金门大学计算机专栏GGU IT Technology   【GGU】Citrix optimize the security of your employees' remote access.  
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   【GGU】Citrix optimize the security of your employees' remote access.
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  winnie  2008-07-20 22:05
Computerworld and Citrix invite you to learn how you can optimize the security of your employees' remote access.

Protecting the integrity of the corporate network and the privacy of sensitive data is of utmost concern to any organization, which is why security should be top priority when extending remote access to mobile employees. Download the Security White Paper to learn how Citrix® GoToMyPC® Corporate provides industry-leading security, end-point management and centralized control.

Learn more below:

We hope you enjoy it!

Visit the Computerworld Whitepaper Library. Extensive offering of whitepapers on wide range of topics including Storage, Security, Networking, and more.

   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  winnie  2008-07-20 22:05
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