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  版主: trueking    
求助~ 海外华人医生计划

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   求助~ 海外华人医生计划
   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  picc  2009-08-03 23:59
海外的华人医生 您好:

如果您有任何问题 请随时与我们联系

Dear Doctor

Warm greeting from Global Doctor Beijing, we are an Australian professional medical assistance organization base in Beijing. Enrollment Name is Global travel response Pte.Ltd. We allied with the most influential of insurance company – People Insurance Company of China (PICC) to establish an insurance project for Chinese outbound citizens. Major of the project is focus on Chinese outbound citizens’ basic health care.
In order to provide a better service, Global Doctor and PICC are working together to expand and improve the overseas medical facilities network, especially we are trying to establish strategic cooperation with overseas Chinese doctors, we will recommend our policy holders to these medical facilities for treatment.
Therefore, we hope that you may please to contact with us, we can send project's documents to you.
We are looking forward to contact with you 
Thank you very much for your cooperation. If you have any doubt please feel free to contact with us.

Sincerely yours
Andy Huang
Project Supervisor
E-mail: picc@globaldoctor.com.au
Tel/电话号码: 0086-10-58151123
Fax/传真号码: 0086-10-58151128
Post Code/邮编:100010     

   摘自 加州大学论坛旧版 (Universities in California Bulletin Board System)  picc  2009-08-03 23:59
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